Automatiser vos tâches sur un projet PHP avec Phing
Comme nous l’avons vu précédemment, il est possible d’assurer la qualité de votre projet PHP via Travis-CI. Mais comment faire en local sans Internet ? Phing est la solution pour lancer des tâches en local.
Installation de Phing
On ajoute le channel PEAR de Phing :
[user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded
On ajoute différents channels pour PEAR :
[user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded [user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded [user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded [user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded [user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded [user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded [user@computer ~]# pear channel-discover Adding Channel "" succeeded Discovery of channel "" succeeded
A ce moment-là, on installe Phing via PEAR :
[user@computer ~]# pear install phing/phing WARNING: "pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager" is deprecated in favor of "pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager2" Did not download optional dependencies: phing/phingdocs, pear/VersionControl_SVN, pear/VersionControl_Git, phpunit/PHPUnit, phpunit/PHP_CodeCoverage, pecl/Xdebug, pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager, pear/Services_Amazon_S3, pear/HTTP_Request2, pdepend/PHP_Depend, phpmd/PHP_PMD, phpunit/phpcpd, phpunit/phploc, phpdoc/phpDocumentor, pear/PHP_CodeSniffer, pear/Net_Growl, use --alldeps to download automatically phing/phing can optionally use package "phing/phingdocs" (version >= 2.6.1) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/VersionControl_SVN" (version >= 0.4.0) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/VersionControl_Git" (version >= 0.4.3) phing/phing can optionally use package "phpunit/PHPUnit" (version >= 3.6.0) phing/phing can optionally use package "phpunit/PHP_CodeCoverage" (version >= 1.1.0) phing/phing can optionally use package "pecl/Xdebug" (version >= 2.0.5) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager" (version >= 1.5.2) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/Services_Amazon_S3" (version >= 0.3.1) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/HTTP_Request2" (version >= 0.5.2) phing/phing can optionally use package "pdepend/PHP_Depend" (version >= 0.10.0) phing/phing can optionally use package "phpmd/PHP_PMD" (version >= 1.1.0) phing/phing can optionally use package "phpunit/phpcpd" (version >= 1.3.3) phing/phing can optionally use package "phpunit/phploc" (version >= 1.6.4) phing/phing can optionally use package "phpdoc/phpDocumentor" (version >= 2.0.0b7) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/PHP_CodeSniffer" (version >= 1.3.0) phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/Net_Growl" (version >= 2.6.0) downloading phing-2.6.1.tgz ... Starting to download phing-2.6.1.tgz (481,484 bytes) .................................................................................................done: 481,484 bytes install ok: channel://
On installe nos outils de QA (PHP_CodeBrowser, PHP_CodeSniffer, PHP_CPD, PHPDoc, PHPLoc, PHP_MD) :
[user@computer ~]# pear install PHP_CodeSniffer Did not download optional dependencies: phpunit/PHP_Timer, use --alldeps to download automatically pear/PHP_CodeSniffer can optionally use package "phpunit/PHP_Timer" downloading PHP_CodeSniffer-1.4.7.tgz ... Starting to download PHP_CodeSniffer-1.4.7.tgz (406,387 bytes) ..................................done: 406,387 bytes install ok: channel:// [user@computer ~]# pear install --alldeps phpmd/PHP_PMD downloading PHP_PMD-1.5.0.tgz ... Starting to download PHP_PMD-1.5.0.tgz (49,534 bytes) .............done: 49,534 bytes install ok: channel:// [user@computer ~]# pear install phpunit/phpcpd downloading phpcpd-1.4.3.tgz ... Starting to download phpcpd-1.4.3.tgz (10,297 bytes) .....done: 10,297 bytes downloading FinderFacade-1.1.0.tgz ... Starting to download FinderFacade-1.1.0.tgz (4,309 bytes) ...done: 4,309 bytes downloading fDOMDocument-1.4.2.tgz ... Starting to download fDOMDocument-1.4.2.tgz (15,121 bytes) ...done: 15,121 bytes downloading Finder-2.3.6.tgz ... Starting to download Finder-2.3.6.tgz (36,360 bytes) ...done: 36,360 bytes install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// [user@computer ~]# pear install downloading phploc-2.0.2.tgz ... Starting to download phploc-2.0.2.tgz (12,541 bytes) .....done: 12,541 bytes downloading Console-2.3.6.tgz ... Starting to download Console-2.3.6.tgz (84,471 bytes) ...done: 84,471 bytes install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// [user@computer ~]# pear install phpunit/PHP_CodeBrowser WARNING: "pear/PhpDocumentor" is deprecated in favor of "phpdoc/phpdocumentor" Did not download optional dependencies: pear/Text_Highlighter, phpunit/PHPUnit, pear/PhpDocumentor, use --alldeps to download automatically WARNING: "pear/DB" is deprecated in favor of "pear/MDB2" Did not download optional dependencies: pear/DB, pear/MDB2, pear/Mail, use --alldeps to download automatically phpunit/PHP_CodeBrowser can optionally use package "pear/Text_Highlighter" (version >= 0.7.1) phpunit/PHP_CodeBrowser can optionally use package "phpunit/PHPUnit" (version >= 3.4.0) phpunit/PHP_CodeBrowser can optionally use package "pear/PhpDocumentor" (version >= 1.4.3) pear/Log can optionally use package "pear/DB" (version >= 1.3) pear/Log can optionally use package "pear/MDB2" (version >= 2.0.0RC1) pear/Log can optionally use package "pear/Mail" pear/Log can optionally use PHP extension "sqlite" downloading PHP_CodeBrowser-1.0.2.tgz ... Starting to download PHP_CodeBrowser-1.0.2.tgz (171,746 bytes) .....................................done: 171,746 bytes downloading Console_CommandLine-1.2.0.tgz ... Starting to download Console_CommandLine-1.2.0.tgz (39,740 bytes) ...done: 39,740 bytes downloading File_Iterator-1.3.4.tgz ... Starting to download File_Iterator-1.3.4.tgz (5,199 bytes) ...done: 5,199 bytes downloading Log-1.12.7.tgz ... Starting to download Log-1.12.7.tgz (46,898 bytes) ...done: 46,898 bytes install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// install ok: channel:// [user@computer ~]# pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor downloading phpDocumentor-2.1.0.tgz ... Starting to download phpDocumentor-2.1.0.tgz (2,512,395 bytes) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................done: 2,512,395 bytes install ok: channel://
Mise en place
Pour gérer les tâches avec Phing, il faut créer un fichier build.xml (dans mon cas, à la racine du projet).
Ce fichier contiendra une variable builddir qui sera le dossier où seront crées les fichiers de log, docs, etc…
On crée ensuite la cible principale qa On peut appeler une cible de cette manière :
phing <cible>
La cible principale qa appelle d’autres cibles :
- qa-clean : Supprime le dossier de build
- qa-prepare : Crée les dossiers de build et les sous dossiers
- phpcs : Lance PHP CodeSniffer avec les deux checkstyles PSR1 et PSR2
- phpcpd : Lance PHP copy/paste pour vérifier l’existence de parties dupliquées
- phpmd : Lance PHP Mess Detector pour éliminer de potentiels erreurs
- phploc : Lance PHPLOC pour faire des mesures du projet
- pdepend : Lance PDepend pour faire d’autres mesures sur le code du projet
- phpdoc : Lance PHPDoc pour générer une documentation propre du projet
- phpcb : Lance PHP Code Browser pour réunir en une seule interface web les différents logs
Voici le fichier de référence :
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="YATSPHP" default="qa" basedir="."> <!-- Property --> <property name="builddir" value="build" /> <!-- Main targets --> <target name="qa" depends="qa-clean, qa-prepare, phpcs, phpcpd, phpmd, phploc, pdepend, phpdoc, phpcb" description="Do static analysis of the code"/> <!-- QA : Clean the directory --> <target name="qa-clean"> <delete dir="${builddir}" /> </target> <!-- QA : Prepare the directory for the build --> <target name="qa-prepare"> <mkdir dir="${builddir}" /> <mkdir dir="${builddir}/out" /> <mkdir dir="${builddir}/logs" /> <mkdir dir="${builddir}/docs" /> </target> <!-- PHP CodeSniffer --> <target name="phpcs"> <phpcodesniffer standard="PSR1" showSniffs="false" showWarnings="true"> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> <formatter type="default" usefile="false"/> <formatter type="checkstyle" outfile="${builddir}/logs/checkstyle_PSR1.xml"/> </phpcodesniffer> <phpcodesniffer standard="PSR2" showSniffs="false" showWarnings="true"> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> <formatter type="default" usefile="false"/> <formatter type="checkstyle" outfile="${builddir}/logs/checkstyle_PSR2.xml"/> </phpcodesniffer> </target> <!-- PHP copy/paste analysis --> <target name="phpcpd"> <phpcpd file="src"> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> <formatter type="pmd" outfile="${builddir}/logs/pmd.xml"/> </phpcpd> </target> <!-- PHP Mess Detector --> <target name="phpmd"> <phpmd rulesets="codesize,design,naming,unusedcode"> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> <formatter type="xml" outfile="${builddir}/logs/pmd.xml"/> </phpmd> </target> <!-- PHPLOC --> <target name="phploc"> <phploc countTests="false" reportType="xml" reportDirectory="${builddir}/logs/" reportName="phploc"> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> </phploc> </target> <!-- PDepend --> <target name="pdepend"> <phpdepend> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> <logger type="summary-xml" outfile="${builddir}/logs/pdepend-summary.xml"/> <logger type="jdepend-xml" outfile="${builddir}/logs/pdepend-jdepend.xml"/> <analyzer type="coderank-mode" value="method"/> </phpdepend> </target> <!-- PHPDocumentor --> <target name="phpdoc"> <phpdoc2 destdir="${builddir}/docs" template="responsive" title="YATSPHP"> <fileset dir="src"> <include name="**/*.php" /> <include name="*.php" /> </fileset> </phpdoc2> </target> <!-- PHP Code Browser --> <target name="phpcb"> <exec logoutput="true" command="phpcb --log ${builddir}/logs --source src/ --output ${builddir}/out" /> </target> </project>
Et voilà, vous pouvez dorénavant lancer une analyse qualité de votre code directement depuis de votre machine via Phing. Vous pouvez ajouter d’autres cibles pour gérer de nombreuses choses : checkout d’un SVN ou GIT, copie de fichier, déploiement FTP, requêtage de base de données, requêtage HTTP, ZIP/TAR et décompression d’archives. Phing est puissant et vous pouvez même créer vos propres plugins Phing.
Lien : Doc Phing
[…] nous l’avons vu dans cet article sur Phing, c’est un outil qui permet d’automatise de nombreuses tâches. Dans cet article, nous […]
[…] Vos fichiers statiques sont, avec votre code PHP, les fichiers à optimiser. Dans un prochain article, nous verrons comment utiliser Phing pour automatiser ces optimisations comme nous l’avons fait pour tester la qualité d’un projet. […]
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